Conclave Scoring History

Modern Scoring

Since 1968, scoring has been based on the number of schools participating in the Conclave. First place winners in physical events are awarded a number of points equal to the total number of schools participating. Second place winners receive one less point than the total number of participating schools, and so on. Member clubs do not accrue points for events in which their contestant(s) is/are disqualified. First place winners in technical events are awarded a number of points equal to the number of schools multiplied by 1.5. Second place winners will receive 1.5 points less than the total number of points awarded first place; third place winners will receive 3 less points than the total number of points awarded to first place, and so on, with each succeeding participant who satisfactorily completes the events receiving 1.5 or more points. Any ties for first, second, or third place in each event must be broken by a runoff as specified by the in the rules for each event. In the case of ties for all other places, the tied contestants will equally share the points.

Original Scoring

From 1958 - 1967, points were only awarded to the top three places. For technical events, it was 7 points for first, 5 for second, and 3 for third. For physical events it was 5 points for first, 3 for second, and 1 for third.

SCHOOL 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965* 1966 1967
University of Arkansas at Monticello 40.3 28 dnp** 43 40 38 50
Auburn University 29 0 16 26 12 17
Clemson University 23 23 30 21 38 11 22
University of Florida 9 17 0 5 6 15
University of Georgia 35.5 38 51 50 13 39 25
Louisiana State University 4.3 11 16 10 11
Mississippi State University 15 24 19 7 3
North Carolina State University 24 8 42 33 47 17 7
Oklahoma State University 2.3 21 12 18 40 23
Stephen F. Austin State University 9.5 7 2 5 8 14
Virginia Tech 10 18 16
University of the South - Sewanee 17 9

*No Southern Forester is available for 1958, 1959, or 1965.

**During the early years of Conclave, it was at the discretion of the host as to whether they would participate in the events. In 1962 University of Arkansas at Monticello elected not to participate while they hosted.